Frequently Asked Questions


What is your rate?

I charge $125 for a 50-minute counseling session.

What forms of payment do you accept?

I accept debit/credit cards, cash, or check.

Do you take insurance?

No, I do not take insurance.

Can we meet virtually?

Yes, I offer both in person and telehealth sessions.

Do I need to do anything prior to our first session?

Yes - prior to our first session, I will send you an electronic disclosure & informed consent statement to read and sign, as well as an electronic intake form to complete. The disclosure & informed consent statement gives you more information about my practice and policies, and the intake form is a way for you to provide more information about yourself. We will go over both of these things together in our first session.

What can I expect at my first session?

We will go over the disclosure statement & informed consent form together as well as your intake form. We will talk at more length about your concerns and set goals for your time in counseling.

How often will we meet?

We will determine this together depending on your current concerns and needs. Some people find it helpful to meet more frequently in the beginning and then lengthen the amount of time between sessions as improvement is felt and progress towards goals is made.

How long does counseling last?

That varies with each person. We will use the goals we set together to assess your progress throughout your time in counseling. The goal is for you to feel better over time and gain tools and knowledge to help manage the challenges you are experiencing, but that length of time varies with each individual.